Saturday, April 11, 2020
AP Language and Composition And Rhetorical Analysis Essay Sample
AP Language and Composition And Rhetorical Analysis Essay SampleAP Language and Composition or AP PLACE course is a great way to sharpen your writing and to improve your overall reading and comprehension skills. There are no exact guidelines when it comes to choosing an AP PLACE course for your students, but there are some tips that can help you decide. You will find that AP PLACE requires you to give your students writing assignments and reading questions, as well as a final written composition. The composition portion is the most important part of any course, and this one certainly will test the ability of your students to write well and to read and interpret the information they are given.It is important to have them read carefully so that they understand the significance of what they are reading and are able to reflect it back into their writing. If they are unable to do so, they may not learn from their course work and be left wondering where they went wrong. For this reason, it is important to give them a lot of material and to make sure that they understand everything that you want them to learn.One of the best ways to help your students with AP PLACE is to use a rhetorical analysis essay sample. An essay analysis sample can provide many benefits for you and your students. First, it can show you which kind of essay is best for them. Also, it can show you how to structure the essay to ensure that it is not too long and it has meaning.The analytical part of any AP PLACE course can take a very long time to complete, so using an analysis essay sample can help you speed things up. Also, you will be able to see how easy it is to apply the principles of rhetoric to your students' essays and to keep them focused on the important aspects of their reading and writing. This can be helpful in keeping them engaged and learning at the same time.An essay analysis sample can also provide you with a way to see how the essay has been structured. For example, you might be interested in seeing how they have been arranged so that there are important ideas and statements in the first paragraph, then a list of quotes and brief quotations, and then the concluding paragraph. By taking a close look at their structure, you can see what mistakes they made and learn from them. This can lead to better-written essays and more appropriate teaching methods for your students.Once you have used an AP PLACE essay analysis sample, you can then edit it. You can remove parts that need to be removed and rewrite some of the parts that are wordy and need to be trimmed down. Once you have your students' focus on the correct and valuable elements of their course work, you can then start to analyze their essays and give them a sense of achievement and satisfaction.Many colleges and universities offer AP PLACE programs, and you will likely be able to find one that fits your needs. If you do, you will be well on your way to developing your students' analytical and writing skill s, as well as developing a stronger understanding of the critical thinking process. Good luck!
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Aids And Std Education Essays (3259 words) - Prevention Of HIVAIDS
Aids And Std Education Adults (over the age of 18) from the _________ company and other peope who I know were randomly assigned to receive the survey. The group includes married males and females as well as single male and females. There are 19 female and 31 male subjects. A survey consisting of twenty statements concerning sexually transmitted disease and HIV infection. The survey was designed by myself . The purpose of the survey is to measure participants awareness of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. I am trying to show that people are not well informed about subjects such as condom use, condom use and alcohol, transmission of sexual diseases, and the magnitude of the AIDS problem. Subjects are asked to choose the level with which they agree or disagree with each statement. There are two levels of agreement and two levels of disagreement. See appendix A. A consent form was signed by all participants. See appendix B. Results t-test*: t (48) = -2.2185, p * .0313 | | | df cv pv Variable N Mean Std Dev. Minimum Maximum Q1 50 1.420 0 .810 1.00 4.00 Q10 49 1.408 0.810 1.00 4.00 Q15 50 1.320 0 .621 1.00 4.00 Q3 48 3.396 0.869 1.00 4.00 Q9 50 3.240 0.822 1.00 4.00 Q6 50 3.220 0.834 1.00 4.00 Q16 50 3.100 0.621 1.00 4.00 Methods Subjects Adults (over the age of 18) from the company and other people who I know were randomly assigned to receive the survey. The group includes married males and females as well as single male and females. There are 19 female and 21 male subjects. Ages ranged from late teens to early fifties, with the majority being in their twenties. Independent variable Questions 6, 9, 13, and 16 on the survey. I would be comfortable eating lunch with someone with HIV or AIDS. I would be comfortable shaking hands with someone who has AIDS. I am very well informed about HIV, AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. I would not have unprotected sex with someone unless they got tested first. Dependent Variable. Awareness and education of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease. Operational Definition Awareness and education of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease equals a total score of 12 or higher on questions 6, 9, 13, and 16 of the survey. Procedures A survey consisting of twenty statements concerning sexually transmitted disease and AIDS was given to fifty subjects. A t test was performed on the results as well as a comparison of male vs. Female scores on the Awareness and Education variable. DiscussionResults of the survey have shown a need for additional education of males concerning AIDS awareness and education. Females, (89%) did verywell on the variable which was measured for satisfactory knowledge andawareness of AIDS and sexually transmitted disease. Males, (65%) didalso score well on this variable. This leaves us with 35% of the malesneeding more education and 11% of the females needing to increase thereawareness and education. The rather large number of males needingfurther education tend to support my hypotheses that yes more educationis necessary. I was pleased to see that on the whole, people are betterinformed than I had originally hypothesized as demonstrated by thescores reported for specific question. The lowest score or strongestdisagreement was on the statement that AIDS was no longer a big issue. People also realize that just having one sex partner at a time is notenough to protect you from AIDS as demonstrated by their response tonumber 10. The stronge st agreement with statements on the surveyconcerned worrying about children's future.This being the case, why is it that behavior as is described in myresearch does not reflect this knowledge? People know what they need todo to reduce their chances of exposure to AIDS and sexually transmitteddisease but they fail to do it. The research concentrated on studentswho are exposed to much more information about AIDS than adults who areout of the educational system. Further education about the dangers ofunprotected sex is needed as the study suggest, but we also need tounderstand why education is not enough. We desperately need to develop behaviors which will protect us from sexually transmitted disease andAIDS. Education Needed forAIDS, HIV and Sexually Transmitted Diseases Sexually transmitted diseases are a major health concern for ourcountry. With the spread of AIDS among so many people, both gay and heterosexual, it isimportant that we understand how these diseases spread and what we can do to preventthem. Continuing efforts to educate college students about the dangers
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